Lauriel Simpson The Creative Caledonian

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Intuitive Painting - Winter

Saturdays are my main day to create and experiment. I have the whole day no 9-5 job demands, housework gets banished and I get to play.

It is a no plan day, a day to listen to my inner voice, that little voice that it is soo easy to not hear as it drowns in daily drudgery of life. This Saturday that voice said “go paint outside”. Great idea but it is -3 outside in Scotland with snow covered ground, “so, wrap up it will be fun”. Inner voice wins on Saturdays so I bundled up, got my easel out, stared at paint colours, grabbed the first ones that spoke to me and headed out.

Oh the fun I had and instead of my describing it why don’t you sit back, relax and watch the video, you can even speed it up to have more fun watching me run around really fast.

The outcome of these sessions never has any pressure as there is no plan so I can’t ‘go wrong’. This lack of pressure seems to lend itself to an end result that I fall in love with. Hope you do to.

Why not try intuitively creating yourself and if your not creative still see if you can hear that inner voice and act on it once in a while.

Have a great week.
